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Time Travel Paradoxes (Part-2)

 An another type of casual loop paradox is  "Predestination Paradox"

1.Predestination Paradox 

A Predestination paradox occurs when the actions of a person traveling back in time becomes part of past events, and may ultimately causes the event he is trying to prevent to take place. This results in a ‘temporal causality loop’ in which Event 1 in the past influences Event 2 in the future (time travel to the past) which then causes Event 1 to occur.

Suppose one day your brother dies in a hit and run car accident , and to prevent this you travel back in time and reaches the place to stop your brother but accidently you hit your brother with the car and realizes that the person who hit your brother was not someone else but you. You wanted to save your brother but you were destined to complete the loop and kill your brother.

2.Killing Hitler Paradox

This paradox is quite similar to the Grandfather Paradox but this has a huge effect on everyone in the world rather than just only you.

Suppose you decided to kill Hitler but you knew about hitler because you studied about him in history , and he is in history because he did some of the worst things but if you kill him by going in the past he would be able to do nothing and nobody will know about him and you would know nothing of him and you never plan to kill hitler but if you never kill hitler he would do everything he is known for and nothing changes and you again plan to kill him but it happens again.

If you kill hitler it would have effect on whole world not just only you and after that its all chaos , nothing makes sense .

3.Fermi Paradox

The Fermi Paradox can be adapted for time travel, and phrased "if time travel were possible, where are all the visitors from the future?" Answers vary, from time travel not being possible, to the possibility that visitors from the future cannot reach any arbitrary point in the past, or that they disguise themselves to avoid detection.

One another reason why we haven't met the time travelers can be that time travel to past is not possible at all or whole concept of time travel is just not possible in reality.


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